The Carmelo Anthony Foundation

The Carmelo Anthony Foundation
In this image you can see Melo with a group of kids standing in the middle of a basketball court. This picture was taken while he was on his trip to Puerto Rico to build a court and help many kids in need.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Carmelo Anthony: is he that type of athlete that cares about fame and tries to get all the attention?

Melo the famous basketball player has been through hard times in his childhood; the lost of his father at age 2 from cancer, coming from a rough violent neighborhood. Basketball for him was an important diversion to stay away from violence and drug dealing going around his house.

There are many controversies about Melo doing bad things for example; In 2004 he was caught with marijuana in his backpack after the Denver International Airport inspectors, even tho charges were dropped after one of his friends said the marijuana was his. Also in 2007 he was suspended for 15 games for being involved in the Knicks-Nuggets Brawl.

Everybody has done bad things in life but he is not all about negative things. Melo has been involved in many things throughout his career. In 2004 after the tsunami caused by the Indian Ocean earthquake happened Melo donated up to $35,000 to relief efforts. Two years later in 2006, Anthony opened “The Carmelo Anthony Youth Development Center” which he contributed with $1.5 million for the living classrooms foundation.

In 2005, Carmelo opened The Carmelo Anthony foundation where he helps the community by doing various outreach donations or programs for people in need. The main three key focus are: education, recreation and community outreach. Also it's their goal to help families that are less fortunate than others in this world. Melo once said “ It’s important to me to make a significant impact on the communities that have positively affected me. My family and I are committed to growing my Foundation so that we can continue to help families in need” - Carmelo Anthony


  1. I like the information that you chose to put in this blog. You may want to change the last semicolon (;) to a colon (:). Also I would put a colon after Carmelo Anthony in the very first sentence. I like how you ended your post with a quote from him.

  2. Alot of interesting facts/information about him. Try adding more on how he inspires you or what your opinion is on him.

  3. Don't center the text. watch for "tho" instead of "though"

    "The main three key focus are: " Instead write: "His foundation focuses on three things:"

    good job

  4. Nicely done, I like all of your information and how you ended with a quote. Try adding some of your opinions about him.

  5. i like al the imformation you have, and you obviously know a lot about him. There are a few slight spelling/grammer errors, otherwise it's great
